Sun protection products have helpled save countless lives from skin cancer by protecting our skin from
deadly Ultra violet rays that create unrepairable damage on a cellular level. Investing in quality Sun
protection products, or getting a spray tan is much safer than ‘raw’ sun baking.
There are also products and unsafe practices which claim to give you that ‘bronzed look’ which can be
devastating to your looks and health.
Read on as we explain the safe and unsafe ways of achieving that glowing bronzed look all year round.
Solariums…Modern time capsules....
Statistics have revealed that a majority of the public still
believe solariums are safe.
Little do they know...
The world health organisation recently released figures
indicating just how dangerous solariums are and how they are
just as deadly to health as smoking cigarettes. Solariums increase the chance of skin cancer by 75% and put
you at risk of forming cataracts and diminishing your immune system. Whatever you do, stay clear from
solariums. Solariums are like time capsules....when you step into one, it will zap you to looking older within a
short burst of time. They can also end your life faster. Thousands of skin cancer cases from uva and uvb rays
emitted via solariums have been responsible for skin cancer deaths since their invention back in 1979. Some
countries are trying, other have been successful, to get solariums banned from public use in a bid to save their
citizens skin and lives.
Don’t take those Pills my Sun....
There are certain ‘tanning pills’ available that contain Canthaxin and other dangerous chemicals which supposedly give you a fake tan after ingesting
tablets. These tanning pills are now banned commercially in the US. and several other countries by the FDA (food and drug administration) as they’ve
been known to cause liver damage and other health related problems. Canthaxanthin and the carotenoid chemicals are ingredients that have been linked
with hepatitis and hives, plus giving users peculiar and abnormal reactions. One of the side effects from taking these tanning pills give the skin an itchy
red and bloated look.
Its imperative to invest in good quality sun protection products if you want to keep your
skin safe from premature ageing and skin cancer. The higher the sun protection factor (SPF) the
safer your skin and good looks will remain alive. One of the sun protection products we’ve tested is
SkinCeuticals advanced UV defense which is a sun protection product and an essential weapon for
protecting your skins health. Long gone are the days you needed to wear thick white zinc to protect
yourself from the suns rays. Most of todays protectors are light; non greasy, easily absorbed and
easy to apply.
The good news is that most modern moisturisers also have ‘built in’ Sun protection. If you
want to try a tinted moisturiser with sun protection, then more highly rated products can be found on
our Sun products page
Not only are these products great for protecting you against the Suns uva damage, they also
help get your skin back in shape. Check out Sun Products page for more quality Sun protection
So, how do we get that sun kissed look without solariums; tanning pills, beaches, parks.....or putting
our heads in an oven?’
More people are turning away from dangerous solariums or Sun bathing as we are becoming more aware of the dangers of skin
cancer from Sun damage.
Spray tans have been around for a while and are guaranted to save you watching your skin erode over a short time. Spray tans
dont damage skin and make you look bronzed immediately! Re application is only required once a
fortnight, depending on how bronzed you want to keep looking. Getting a spray tan is a fun
process which takes only minutes. There are tanning booths, or hand-held machines available in
salons. You’ll step out of a spray booth looking as sun kissed as you choose.
A Safer Spray of Sunshine....
Keep enjoying glorious sunshine but become aware of the invisible dangers from the suns
uva, uvb rays which can lead towards skin cancer from sun damage. Even on days that
aren’t sunny, its still important to protect yourself. Invest in good quality sun protection
products, stay away from dangerous solariums and tanning pills and you’ll be doing your
skin, your looks and your health a huge favour.
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