Metrosexuality hits space with metrosexual lifestyles
Modern Metro lifestyle stays ahead of the average mans lifestyle. Metro living has stayed ahead of time and the proof is out there to explain how men achieve a better standard of living. The Oridins of ‘Metro Man’ originated from a the time when mankind took a good look at his life in a healthier perspective then made positive changes. The word Metro sexuality triggers mixed images in peoples minds, varying from the narrow minded belief that metros have the same sexual attractions as as Gay men. Metros are simply an evolution of common hetrosexual man who have the foresight to seek out a healthier lifestyle. Metro sexuality has gained steady momentum over the last couple of decades and it has spread further throughout the globe. There’s still a large number of people that believe Metros simply represent men’s shallow vanity. The metro standard of living isn’t just about men grooming themselves for the sake of vanity. An ever growing number of men are concerned about looking after their health and looks more than the male population throughout history has. This is an overseen and positive by-product. Metros tend to be healthier, feel and look better, and live a longer, better quality of life... After all, man must keep evolving...’ Men in droves are ‘coming out the bathroom’... tweezers and moisturiser in hand; as they declare their Metro sexuality to the world, (from beneath a face pack). Parts of the world have embraced the Metro sexual Lifestyle with open arms and minds, however men from other parts of still oversee, or choose to ignore the health benefits associated with this lifestyle. It seems some still have a bit of catching up to do with the Metro population. Sooner or later men all over the world will discover the benefits and will live a richer and better lifestyle. Metro sexuality has explored beyond planet earth?! . ...Metros have ventured beyond earth and keep boldly going in search of new frontiers... Astronauts who ventured to the moon and other frontiers of space were light years ahead as they practiced the Metro lifestyle. As far back as the 1950s’, NASAs’ training program included grooming skills essential to healthy living in space. It wasn’t because Astronauts are heroes and constantly in the limelight, but they needed to pay extra attention to their skin care, as skin in a space capsule needs extra hydration as it dries faster than on earth. Lotions and potions are a must on space trips. An astronaut in space looses on average 3 grams of skin per day – double the amount of skin lost on Earth. Today’s Astronauts are provided with small Hygiene Kits for their space missions.
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